Here are the people whose names have been floated for Trump’s Cabinet
The latest on the contenders — from rumored to named — for top spots in the Trump administration. Latest transition updates Updated Dec. 1 at 4:21 p.m.
Donald Trump has picked seven of 15 Cabinet department heads so far. All will need Senate confirmation.
Among President-elect Donald Trump’s first big decisions is to choose members of his Cabinet. This powerful group of advisers include heads of the 15 executive departments. Each of these leaders must be confirmed by the incoming Senate.
The Senate confirmation process can begin when the newly elected 115th Congress convenes on Jan. 3, 2017 — two weeks before Trump’s inauguration. The Senate can begin holding hearings to confirm Trump’s nominees during this period.
In the meantime, though, other top Trump administration officials and advisers can begin working. These positions do not require Senate confirmation.
Trump has also selected other White House advisers who will not need Senate confirmation.
Who Trump chooses to surround himself with greatly affects what his administration will accomplish. These top aides are just a slice of the 4,000 positions Trump’s transition team must nominate people for — people who will handle day-to-day operations at the agencies that make up the executive branch of government.
The following list includes people who are reportedly under consideration for various Cabinet jobs (and those who have been announced by the Trump administration).
Secretary of Agriculture
Current head: Tom Vilsack
Trump’s agriculture pick will be tasked with overseeing the nation’s farming policy, including farming subsidies, food safety, nutrition assistance to low-income individuals, and international agriculture trade.

Sam Brownback
Kansas governor
Trump promised big income-tax cuts while campaigning. Brownback slashed personal income taxes in 2012 and 2013 in hopes of stimulating Kansas's economy.
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Chuck Conner
CEO, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives
Not to be mistaken with Chuck Conner III, Maryland Democratic Party executive director. The National Council of Farmer Cooperatives has advocated giving undocumented immigrants who work in the agriculture industry permanent legal status.
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Tim Huelskamp
Outgoing Kansas congressman
A member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus who repeatedly clashed with Republican House leadership, Huelskamp lost his August primary to a local physician.
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Sid Miller
Texas agricultural commissioner
Miller, an adviser to Trump, made waves with a tweet weeks ago in which he called Hillary Clinton a "c--t." It was soon deleted, blamed on a “third-party vendor.”
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Secretary of Commerce
Current head: Penny Pritzker

Founder of investment firm WL Ross & Co.
Ross is a venture capitalist who has focused on buying businesses in distress.
Nov. 30
Secretary of Defense
Current head: Ashton B. Carter
The defense secretary oversees the U.S. Armed Forces and its estimated 2 million members, along with tens of thousands of civilian employees in the Pentagon and across the world. The Pentagon’s budget next year will be $580 billion, about 15 percent of all U.S. spending.

Retired 4-star General
Mattis, a retired Marine general and former senior military officer, led operations across the Middle East. To take the job, Mattis will need Congress to pass new legislation to bypass a federal law that states secretaries of defense must not have been on active duty in the previous seven years.
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Secretary of Education
Current head: John B. King Jr.
The bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act, passed last year, shifted authority over public education from the federal government to the states. Trump's education head is likely to further reduce the federal role in public schools, and to push for an expansion of charter schools and vouchers for private and religious schools. Trump called the Common Core State Standards "a total disaster" during the campaign, and repeatedly pledged to get rid of them. But he won't be able to do that; it's up to states to decide which standards they use.

Chairman of American Federation for Children, a pro-school-voucher group
DeVos, a conservative activist and billionaire philanthropist, has pushed forcefully for private school voucher programs nationwide.
Nov. 23
Secretary of Energy
Current head: Ernest Moniz
The Energy Secretary oversees the nation’s nuclear weapons stockpile and the environmental cleanup of old nuclear weapons development sites. The secretary also sets appliance standards and promotes energy research and innovation through the national laboratories, loans and grants. Obama’s energy secretary Ernest Moniz, a physicist, also played a key role in negotiating the Iran nuclear deal.

Heidi Heitkamp
North Dakota senator
Choosing Heitkamp, a Democrat, for his Cabinet would have several pluses for Trump. He would have reached across the aisle, and her seat would be filled by someone appointed by North Dakota’s Republican governor. That would nudge the Republican majority in the Senate up to 53.
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Secretary of Health and Human Services
Current head: Sylvia Mathews Burwell

Georgia congressman
Price is a fierce critic of the Affordable Care Act and a proponent of overhauling the nation’s entitlement programs. He chairs the House Budget Committee.
Nov. 29
Secretary of Homeland Security
Current head: Jeh Johnson
Few jobs are likely to be as high-profile in the Trump administration than chief of the Department of Homeland Security, the third-largest Cabinet department, with more than 240,000 employees whose jobs include fighting terrorism, protecting the president and enforcing immigration laws.

Kris Kobach
Kansas secretary of state
During Kobach’s photo op after meeting with Trump, some ideas about a border wall and immigrant-tracking were clearly visible on a position paper.
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Rick Perry
Former Texas governor

Gen. John F. Kelly
Retired Marine general, former U.S. Southern Command chief
People familiar with the selection process said Trump’s team is interested in Kelly’s experience with the Southern border, where Trump wants to build his controversial wall to keep out illegal immigrants.
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Frances Townsend
Bush administration homeland security and counter-terrorism official
Townsend also held senior positions during 13 years at the Justice Department, including counsel to the attorney general for intelligence policy.
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Joe Arpaio
Arizona sheriff
Arpaio was defeated in his bid for a seventh consecutive term as sheriff. He was charged with criminal contempt of court for resisting a judge’s order to stop detaining people solely on suspicion that they were undocumented immigrants.
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David Clarke
Milwaukee County sheriff
Known for his campaign call for “pitchforks and torches.”
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Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Current head: Julián Castro

Ben Carson
Retired neurosurgeon
Carson said in an interview he is “leaning to work from the outside and not from the inside,” but Donald Trump tweeted he's “seriously considering” him as head of the HUD.
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Bob Woodson
Founder and President of the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise
Advisor of House Speaker Paul Ryan on poverty issues. Woodson said he is under consideration to be secretary of housing and urban development in President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet.
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Secretary of Interior
Current head: Sally Jewell

Heidi Heitkamp
North Dakota senator
Choosing Heitkamp, a Democrat, for his Cabinet would have several pluses for Trump. He would have reached across the aisle, and her seat would be filled by someone appointed by North Dakota’s Republican governor. That would nudge the Republican majority in the Senate up to 53.
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Sarah Palin
Former Alaska governor
It's not clear how serious her consideration may be, but it's one that would certainly make liberals' heads spin. That said, Palin wasn't a hugely visible supporter of Trump on the campaign trail.
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Attorney General, Department of Justice
Current head: Loretta E. Lynch
The attorney general is the top law enforcement official in the nation. The Justice Department head oversees the FBI, drug enforcement and civil rights enforcement, and is also responsible for civil litigation involving other government agencies.

Senator from Alabama
Sessions, 69, was Trump’s first endorser in the Senate and quickly became the then-candidate’s chief resource on policy. Known for his hard-line views on immigration, the fourth-term senator has been dogged by accusations of racism throughout his career. In 1986, he was denied a federal judgeship after former colleagues testified before a Senate that he joked about the Ku Klux Klan.
Nov. 18
Secretary of Labor
Current head: Thomas E. Perez

Lou Barletta
Pennsylvania congressman
Barletta issued a press release Tuesday about his possible appointment as Labor secretary. The Republican lawmaker is best known for introducing the first local law punishing businesses who knowingly hired undocumented immigrants.
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Secretary of State
Current head: John F. Kerry
The secretary of state is the star of most every Cabinet and the president’s principal foreign policy adviser. Trump has signaled he intends to change direction in the U.S. foreign policy toward some of the most sensitive and complex regions of the world, and his choice will be charged with implementing the new vision. He will oversee more than 70,000 State Department employees, including diplomats in more than 300 embassies, consulates and missions around the world.

Mitt Romney
Former Massachusetts governor and presidential candidate
Trump met with Romney for more than an hour. He is under “active and serious consideration” to serve as secretary of state, Pence said. It is still an open question whether Romney, once a fierce critic of the president-elect, would be willing to serve in his administration.
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Rudolph W. Giuliani
Former New York City mayor
Giuliani, a close Trump ally, is considered one of the most likely choices for the job, but his financial entanglements with foreign interests could be problematic at confirmation time.
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Gen. David Petraeus
Retired Army general
The general is one of the most influential military officers of his generation but ended his government career as director of the CIA in November 2012 amid revelations that he had an affair with his biographer. Petraeus pleaded guilty in April 2015 to a misdemeanor charge of mishandling classified information in connection with the scandal — namely sharing information with biographer Paula Broadwell — and was sentenced to probation and a $100,000 fine. He could face a tough Senate confirmation process because of that history, though he has since testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee as a foreign policy expert.
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Bob Corker
Senator from Tennessee, Foreign Relations Committee chairman
"Has my name been in the mix? I’m pretty sure, yeah. Have I been having intimate conversations? No," Corker said in an interview.
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John Bolton
Former U.N. ambassador
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, declared that he is inclined to oppose Bolton or Giuliani if either is nominated for secretary of state.
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Secretary of Transportation
Current head: Anthony Foxx
Trump has promised to pour $1 trillion into roads, bridges and other infrastructure.

Former labor secretary
Chao became the first Asian American female Cabinet member in U.S. history when she became President George W. Bush’s labor secretary. She is married to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).
Nov. 29
Secretary of Treasury
Current head: Jack Lew

Banker, former Trump campaign finance chairman
Trump is planning to name investor and former Goldman Sachs executive Steven Mnuchin as treasury secretary, opting for an industry insider with no government experience to helm the agency that serves as the backbone of the nation’s financial system, according to people familiar with the matter.
Nov. 30
Appointment announced
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Current head: Robert McDonald

Scott Brown
Former Massachusetts senator
“I’m not competing with anybody. I think I’m the best person, but there are some tremendous people out there. I don’t look at it as a competition,” Brown told reporters in the lobby of Trump Tower after he met with the president-elect.
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Central Intelligence Agency director
Current head: John Brennan

Kansas congressman
Pompeo is widely respected for his intelligence but also seen as a fierce partisan on polarizing issues including the deaths of U.S. personnel in Benghazi and the leaks of Edward Snowden.
Nov. 18
Environmental Protection Agency administrator
Current head: Gina McCarthy
Trump has vowed to “refocus” the EPA on its core mission of ensuring clean air and water, rather than its broader efforts under President Obama to combat climate change and accelerate the nation’s move toward cleaner sources of energy.
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