NEW YORK, NY 10007
(212) 788-7053
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Contact: Maria Henderson | (646) 574 -7950 |
New York, NY-- On Saturday, February 23, 2019, Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez will commemorate the life and memory of Flor Maria Miolan, Dominican immigrant and champion of children. Council Member Rodriguez will be joined by Assembly Member Carmen De La Rosa, Francisco A. Cortorreal, Ambassador, Office of the Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the U.N., and community leaders to celebrate the countless contributions of Flor Maria Miolan as a tireless advocate of children, providing a safe haven to many young orphans in New York City.
Flor Maria Miolan was born on February 22, 1928 in Dajabón, Dominican Republic. In 1962, she fled the country seeking safety against persecution by remnant gangs that still operated in the country after the fall of the dictatorship of Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina. The regime had targeted the Miolans, and Ms. Miolan specifically, for speaking against the despot's practices, cruelty against children and massacres of the Haitian people. The despot had listed her to be mutilated and murdered.
The United States offered refuge. She arrived in New York City with only $5 in her pocket. She lived in a room on 172nd Street and performed odd jobs until 1966 when she earned enough money to move uptown to 184th Street, she lived in same building until her death.
Her youngest daughter was born with Down syndrome. She did not institutionalize her as was suggested at that time; instead, she opened her home to other needy kids and raised them all together. She provided "Safe Haven" before our current "Safe Haven Laws" were enacted. She raised over 100 children. She is an unsung hero. The parents would drop off the children and no-questions were asked, other than the child's name and birthdate. She had a servant's heart and became a neighborhood staple, known in the street as "Mami Flor" because she was everybody's mother. Flor Maria gave them unconditional love.
Every child that entered her home was fed, taken to school, and given a place to sleep, when necessary. She took it upon herself to keep or make their respective doctor's appointments, make sure each child went to religion instructions and mass on Sundays. Many of the children she cared for received their First Holy Communion and Confirmation because of her. She often took children sightseeing and on summer vacations allowing many to experience places they would not otherwise, giving them memories to cherish forever. Most importantly, she made sure each child was cared for and loved unconditionally as if they were her very own. A memory often shared is that all the children would line up in the kitchen with their personal plate (all plates and cups were marked with their names in marker) to be served their food. They would all receive .50 cents every Sunday for church offerings.
She leaves behind 6 children of her own, 12 grandchildren, 12 great-children, and over 100 "adopted children" and their offspring. She passed away on December 7, 2015 from brain trauma following a fall. Doctors at the Milstein hospital said, "We have never seen these many people for one person." They thought she was a celebrity because of the groups of visitors waiting to see her. To those who loved her, they were not far off because she was our star.
WHO: Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez, Assembly Member Carmen De La Rosa, Francisco A. Cortorreal, Ambassador, Office of the Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the U.N., and community leaders
WHAT: Street Co-Naming Ceremony to Honor Flor Maria Miolan
WHEN: Saturday, February 23, 2019; 2:22 PM
WHERE: Northeast corner of W. 184th St. & Audubon Avenue, Manhattan, NY
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